FMBC's Creative Learning Center (CLC) is a private, non-profit organization (partially funded with a grant from 21st Century Community Learning Centers) that provides academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours targeting at risk children in grades 4 through 8. CLC’s primary concern is providing preparation to help students meet state and local standards (End of Grade testing) in core academic subjects, such as reading and math.
Transportation is provided to and from CLC each afternoon where students are exposed to a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs such as budgeting, public speaking, exercise, and healthy eating tips including a healthy snack every afternoon. The Building Blocks After School Program, housed at FMBC, offers homework help with math, reading, and science, as well as various field trips. A computer lab is also available and lessons are provided in beginning computer technology.
Training that includes literacy, learning styles, and healthy eating at home is also offered on a monthly basis for parents and families of participating children.
Donations are gladly accepted for snacks, computer software, field trip admissions, and instructional materials. All donations are tax deductible.